KFC YUM! Center Named one of the Best Arenas and Stadiums in America by Rolling Stone Magazine
Posted by Matt Roberts
Nov 20, 2013 12:04:00 PM
When it comes to arenas that rock, KFC Yum! Center not only rocks the music venue with top, highly-sought after artists, but it also rolls out the red carpet to the University of Louisville men's and women's basketball team and its massive host of fanatical spectators.
Built in 2010, the 22,090 seat, $238 million arena, home to the University of Louisville Cardinal basketball teams, was recently voted as one of the top 10 Venues that Rock, by Rolling Stone magazine.
Not only do last year's NCAA hoops champions call the Yum! Center home, but a full slate of big-name music headliners, including Taylor Swift, The Eagles, Carrie Underwood, Justin Bieber, and Bruce Springsteen have also graced the impressive stage of the Yum! Center, captivating long-time fans and rocking out the multipurpose facility.
Nestled on Main Street between 2nd and 3rd Streets, the backdrop of the Ohio River accentuates the glass facade of the building, along with the wavy interior ceilings and randomly splattered art which give it an inviting and modern feel. As the fifth largest college basketball arena in the nation, this facility displays modern technology at its finest. Developers integrated a scoring and video display system, which includes large LED video displays within the seating area, professional grade LCD screens, and a powerful control system.
Several other interesting features of the arena include:
4 miles of fiber optic cable
5 auxiliary locker rooms
7 acres of land on which facility is built
9 escalators
28 entry doors
44 exit doors
70 premium boxes
75 restrooms
411 total flat screen televisions (number includes 90 menu boards)
760 parking spaces in the facility garage
9,000 light fixtures
14,000 square footage in the grand lobby
17,500 seating capacity for end stage concerts
22,090 seating capacity for basketball and center stage concerts
33,926 total square footage of four meeting rooms
40,000 weight (in pounds) of the center-hung scoreboard
58,655 total square footage of exterior glass panels
721,762 total square footage
Former Courier Journal and Sports Illustrated writer Billy Reed says that the arena "was about providing every element of the city's culture — men and women, black and white, business and labor, rich and poor — with the opportunity to participate in a project that will revitalize the city's downtown and make the city a viable option for national tournaments and conventions, as well as the biggest show-business acts in the nation."
"It's a story of how Possibility City turned a dream into a magnificent reality," says Reed, who believes the center is a "blueprint for how a public project should be funded, planned, and executed."
Follow our continuing spotlights on stand-out arenas around the country and find out how Toadvine Enterprises can help you plan a rocking facility for your organization.
Topics: stadium seating, custom projects, college stadium seating
Top 10 Revenue Generating Opportunities For Your Facility and Stadium
Posted by Matt Roberts
Jul 26, 2012 10:53:00 AM
The Top 10 according to Dant Clayton:
- Colosseum Chairs
- VIP Seating Section
- Bannerrail™
- Admesh™ Banners
- Concourse Banners
- Banners at Top of Grandstands
- Vertical Banners
- Field Level Advertising
- Loge Boxes
- Aisle and Stair Riser Advertising
Did you notice the theme? Seven out of 10 of these categories are specifically titles with “banner” or “advertising.” With Dant’s slick new designs and advertising products, they are not only light weight and user friendly, they are nearly 60% less cost compared to traditional aluminum signage. You can put those savings right back into new equipment and facility improvements.
It’s a win win; you get more exposure and impressive, modernized ad pieces that draw the attention of your fans and followers, and you get the opportunity to engage new business ad support for your organization. Call and schedule a time for us to show you this product line from Dant Clayton.
The VIP section may sound showy but many of the elite national high school and collegiate sports programs are embracing this idea and it is paying off. You might be surprised to find out how many of your fans would also embrace this idea and jump at the opportunity to participate in a VIP section. Let us walk you through some of the unique products Dant Clayton offers in this category and how this enhancement can elevate your program.
How are you recognizing the fans and supporters of your program and making them feel special and important?
Topics: advertising options for high schools, high school scoreboards, Kentucky athletics, college stadium seating, Dant Clayton, high school sports advertising, Indiana athletics
Are you wanting the look and feel of a concrete stadium, but can’t afford the price tag? No worries, Dant Clayton has the solution for you! Introducing Dant Clayton’s Precast Concrete Stadium. This technology breakthrough provides the feel and benefits of a concrete stadium, without the cost of one. Their evolutionary design combines the use of precast concrete pieces with an economical steel structure.
The hybrid precast system does what no other system out there is able to do! Dant Clayton’s hybrid system gives fans a solid and sturdy walking surface with less noise, vibration, and deflection, allowing for the concrete stadium experience on a pre-engineered budget!
The key features of this evolutionary design are what makes it ahead of the curve!
- No drilling into concrete for seat attachments
- Structural steel column grid can be engineered for any application
- It is half the weight of conventional pre-cast risers
- All engineering, fabrication, and erection are performed by Dant Clayton, simplifying the design and construction process
- Works with bleacher benches, chairs, or ANY other seat type
Call Toadvine today to figure out how we can give you a stadium like the pros on your budget!
Topics: outdoor stadium seating, Toadvine Enterprises, Bleacher maintenance, indoor seating, college stadium seating, Dant Clayton, Hybrid Precast Bleachers
Stadium Seating—You Have a Choice When it Comes to Quality
Posted by Matt Roberts
Feb 22, 2012 5:47:00 PM
If your school is thinking about installing new stadium seating for its outdoor facility, what are some of the factors that determine the quality and overall type of seating to purchase?
Price will definitely come into play in your decision making process, but what about quality, reliability, structural support, and all of the other details that go into building and installing outdoor stadium seats?
Dant Clayton has put together a comparison guide that lays out their product vs. other products on the market. The purpose of the comparison is to present the two basic systems that are available for permanent grandstand projects. The two aluminum decking systems in this guide are very, very different in design and performance.
You can download the guide for free on our website and use it as a reference when you start to consider new seating for your facility.
Contact Toadvine Enterprises with questions regarding your next seating project.
Topics: college outdoor seating, outdoor stadium seating, Toadvine Enterprises, indoor seating, college stadium seating, indoor bleachers, Dant Clayton
New advertising opportunties available for high school and college stadiums
Posted by Matt Roberts
Feb 3, 2012 3:43:00 PM
Dant Clayton, our manufacturer for high school and college stadium seating, now offers revenue generating opportunities for schools. If you need new indoor or outdoor seating, this a great solution that will help supplement the cost of the seating and instillation. Plus, it could provide extra revenue for your school.
The following products allow for advertising opportunities for your top donors or local advertisers. Contact Toadvine to learn more about each product.
1. Colosseum chairs
2. VIP seating
3. Bannerrail
4. Ddmesh banners
5. Concourse banners
6. Banners at the top of grandstands
7. Vertical banners
8. Field level banners
9. Lodge boxes
10. Aisle and stair riser advertising
Many of the products offered can easily be incorporated into existing facilities. If you’re thinking about upgrading your indoor or outdoor seating, the advertising opportunities on these products can help to offset the cost, and in some cases, even pay for the product themselves. If you think you can’t afford new stadium seating, contact Toadvine Enterprises. We can help you establish a plan for your school.
Topics: auditorium seating, college outdoor seating, Advertising opportunities, stadium seating, Bleacher maintenance, indoor seating, college stadium seating, Dant Clayton
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