Stadium Seating—You Have a Choice When it Comes to Quality

Posted by Matt Roberts

Feb 22, 2012 5:47:00 PM

Stadium seating from Dant ClaytonIf your school is thinking about installing new stadium seating for its outdoor facility, what are some of the factors that determine the quality and overall type of seating to purchase?

Price will definitely come into play in your decision making process, but what about quality, reliability, structural support, and all of the other details that go into building and installing outdoor stadium seats?

Dant Clayton has put together a comparison guide that lays out their product vs. other products on the market. The purpose of the comparison is to present the two basic systems that are available for permanent grandstand projects. The two aluminum decking systems in this guide are very, very different in design and performance.

You can download the guide for free on our website and use it as a reference when you start to consider new seating for your facility.

Contact Toadvine Enterprises with questions regarding your next seating project.

Topics: college outdoor seating, outdoor stadium seating, Toadvine Enterprises, indoor seating, college stadium seating, indoor bleachers, Dant Clayton

New advertising opportunties available for high school and college stadiums

Posted by Matt Roberts

Feb 3, 2012 3:43:00 PM

stadium advertising opportunitiesDant Clayton, our manufacturer for high school and college stadium seating, now offers revenue generating opportunities for schools. If you need new indoor or outdoor seating, this a great solution that will help supplement the cost of the seating and instillation. Plus, it could provide extra revenue for your school.

The following products allow for advertising opportunities for your top donors or local advertisers. Contact Toadvine to learn more about each product.

1. Colosseum chairs
2. VIP seating
3. Bannerrail
4. Ddmesh banners
5. Concourse banners
6. Banners at the top of grandstands
7. Vertical banners
8. Field level banners
9. Lodge boxes
10. Aisle and stair riser advertising

Many of the products offered can easily be incorporated into existing facilities. If you’re thinking about upgrading your indoor or outdoor seating, the advertising opportunities on these products can help to offset the cost, and in some cases, even pay for the product themselves. If you think you can’t afford new stadium seating, contact Toadvine Enterprises. We can help you establish a plan for your school.

Picture source:

Topics: auditorium seating, college outdoor seating, Advertising opportunities, stadium seating, Bleacher maintenance, indoor seating, college stadium seating, Dant Clayton

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