Iroquois Amphitheater Highlighted Events

Posted by Matt Roberts

Aug 21, 2012 1:58:00 PM

Louisville athletic equipmentIroquois Amphitheater is a beautiful venue for wide variety of events. Some of their upcoming events speak to the diversity of the talent and entertainment they offer our city. They have U of L dance theater coming up for multiple performances followed by rock and roll bands like Umphrey’s Magee and Edward Sharp and The Magnetic Zeros. They have events for the whole family like movie nights. The price is right for the upcoming movie night on September 8 featuring The Zookeeper starring Kevin James. The cost is free, and what a great way to spend the evening with the whole family.

Toadvine Enterprises was contracted for the seating project for the Iroquois Amphitheater and there are 2,366 seats in all. The exterior seats are a comfortable way to enjoy this beautiful outdoor venue and all the variety of entertainment they offer.

The Iroquois Amphitheater origins were a result of the Works Progress Administration and was originally built in the spring of 1938. Their website recalls, “After the 2000 performance season, Metro Parks began an ambitious project to modernize the facility while preserving the Amphitheater’s historic features and unique character.” Toadvine Enterprises was proud to participate in the renovation process of this wonderful facility. Since the renovation, they have grown in the scope of their entertainment offerings and have reestablished themselves as one of the favorite local entertainment venues in Louisville.

If you have not visited Iroquois Amphitheater, it should be added to your short list of places to visit in Louisville. You will not be disappointed. Here are a few things they have coming up through September. Check their website for dates and times.

  • Gilbert & Sullivan’s “HMS Pinafore”
  • U of L Dance Theater
  • Movie Night: “The Zookeeper”
  • Umphrey’s McGee
  • Derby City Brass Band
  • Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros
  • The Dark Side of the Wall
image courtesty of Iroquois Amphitheater 

Topics: auditorium seating, Toadvine projects, Iroquois Amphitheater, Toadvine Enterprises, Kentucky athletic equipment, Kentucky athletics, Fall sports in Kentucky

New advertising opportunties available for high school and college stadiums

Posted by Matt Roberts

Feb 3, 2012 3:43:00 PM

stadium advertising opportunitiesDant Clayton, our manufacturer for high school and college stadium seating, now offers revenue generating opportunities for schools. If you need new indoor or outdoor seating, this a great solution that will help supplement the cost of the seating and instillation. Plus, it could provide extra revenue for your school.

The following products allow for advertising opportunities for your top donors or local advertisers. Contact Toadvine to learn more about each product.

1. Colosseum chairs
2. VIP seating
3. Bannerrail
4. Ddmesh banners
5. Concourse banners
6. Banners at the top of grandstands
7. Vertical banners
8. Field level banners
9. Lodge boxes
10. Aisle and stair riser advertising

Many of the products offered can easily be incorporated into existing facilities. If you’re thinking about upgrading your indoor or outdoor seating, the advertising opportunities on these products can help to offset the cost, and in some cases, even pay for the product themselves. If you think you can’t afford new stadium seating, contact Toadvine Enterprises. We can help you establish a plan for your school.

Picture source:

Topics: auditorium seating, college outdoor seating, Advertising opportunities, stadium seating, Bleacher maintenance, indoor seating, college stadium seating, Dant Clayton

Merry Christmas from Toadvine Enterprises

Posted by Matt Roberts

Dec 21, 2011 12:43:00 PM

Merry Christmas from ToadvineChristmastime is here! Every December we pause to reflect on the passing year—areas where we succeeded and areas where we can improve.

We also like to take this opportunity to let our employees and our clients know how much we appreciate them. The people we work with really are the life of the business, and we have the best. We are grateful for the loyalty of both our employees and our clients. And we look forward to continuing to build those relationships as we enter the New Year.

Hopefully the excitement of the holiday season will linger awhile as we enjoy time with family and friends over the next couple of weeks. 2012 holds the promise of a happy and successful business year ahead.

From everyone at Toadvine Enterprises: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Topics: auditorium seating, outdoor stadium seating, Louisville sporting goods, Toadvine Enterprises, Athletic Equipment, Merry Christmas

Dant Clayton indoor and outdoor stadium seating

Posted by Matt Roberts

Oct 13, 2011 11:18:00 AM

Dant Clayton, our manufacturer for stadium seating, has recently launched a new website, making it even easier for visitors to see their projects and the markets they serve.  

Because Toadvine works closely with Dant Clayton on a number of projects from elementary schools up to the collegiate level, we wanted to share this new video from Dant Clayton. We feel it encompasses the various types of projects and customers they have, as well as the quality of the seating itself.

You can read more about Dant Clayton here.

Contact Toadvine for any seating needs you have or request a quote online.

Topics: auditorium seating, Toadvine Enterprises, stadium seating, indoor seating, Dant Clayton, outdoor seating

Seating for more than your athletic event

Posted by Matt Roberts

Jul 29, 2011 10:44:00 AM

Seating Concepts and Toadvine EnterprisesAlthough Toadvine Enterprises is known mostly for providing athletic equipment, maintenance services, and stadium seating, we want people to think of us when they’re looking for more than those things.

We can also service businesses and organizations that have nothing to do with athletics. Think churches for a minute. One of our manufacturers, Seating Concepts, provides auditorium seating for many different purposes. Their comfortable auditorium chairs have been installed in a number of different churches and worship centers, and come in a variety of designs to match existing interiors.

Seating Concepts also provides seating for places like cinemas and theaters, civic venues, and stadiums and arenas.

I urge you to check out Seating Concept’s product page for photos, details, and free downloads providing more information. You can also contact us directly if you have any questions or would like a quote on these products.

Topics: auditorium seating, Toadvine Enterprises, seating concepts, indoor seating

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