The Importance of Preventative Maintenance on Your Scoreboard

Posted by Matt Roberts

Aug 21, 2013 1:11:00 PM

high school scoreboards kentuckyBefore that first buzzer ever sounds, laps are being run, plays are being taught, and strategies are being formulated to dominate the opposing team. When the days of pre-season practice come to an end and it's time to step on that court for the first home game, the fans and athletes alike are anxiously awaiting the match up. Imagine the anticipation of that first game and when that moment finally arrives, there is no buzzer. What if the numbers on the scoreboard don't light up properly or the timer isn't working?

Although many schools may invest in a state-of-the-art scoreboard for their sporting activities, the maintenance of this equipment may get overlooked, resulting in a disastrous game day outcome. An excellent way of insuring that your school avoids the unpleasantness of scoreboard problems is to take care of the internal electronic components during the off season.

For George Cornwall, long time electronic supervisor for the Lee County School District in Fort Myers, Florida, preventative maintenance is the key to keeping a fully operating scoreboard.

“A lot of our maintenance involves cleaning contact and connections. We summer-ize our boards in the off-season too,” Cornwell said. “Our outside circuit boards are taken off and stored inside to avoid damage. We don't completely strip them, but we do remove major components in the off-season and prior to season, we put them back. You have to do preventative maintenance to keep them in top condition.” 

Athletic Directors or Facilities Managers should direct someone to follow recommended procedures every year to prolong the life of the scoreboard and reduce unscheduled service calls. Well before the first game of the season, the scoreboard equipment should be inspected, reassembled, and tested to allow ample time for the return and repair of any malfunctioning parts.

If your school does not have an off-season preventative maintenance program, contact Toadvine Enterprises to determine the best route to protect your vital sports equipment and “keep the ball rolling.”

Topics: high school scoreboards, Indiana athletics provider, Kentucky sporting goods, college scoreboards

Dant-Clayton's New Light Weight Signage

Posted by Matt Roberts

Aug 8, 2012 11:56:00 AM

Stadium advertising signsChoosing the right type of sign that gets the most notice is so important for both your business sponsor and your program. Dant Clayton has produced a new light weight sign that will meet both budget and ease of use. These light weight signs are so versatile they can be hung just about anywhere and that gives you more opportunities for raising support than you used to have. Since they are so easy and light you can put signs where you did not have them formerly. These signs are designed specifically to be installed on structures like bleachers and high pedestrian traffic areas.

Advantages of light-weight signage

Cost: Most times these light weight signs from Dant Clayton are less than half the cost of their aluminum counterparts. By reducing the costs by over half, you can put those savings right back into your facility. Still charge your business sponsors the same amount and use those funds for better equipment.

Easily Relocate: These signs are a fraction of the weight of the aluminum signs and can easily be installed, removed, and relocated when you want to use them in other areas. You can remove them each season and protect them from weathering in outdoor facilities.

Wow Factor: These new, light weight signs have amazing color and graphic options. Your supporters will be impressed with the new look and it can transform the feel of your entire facility from ordinary to highly professional. Your sponsors will be impressed with the upgrade in look and feel.

Opportunity For New Funds: Since these signs are such a great improvement, you may want to consider replacing older signage for new fundraising opportunities. Go to your current sponsors and have them renew their support. Take sample signage with you for them to see how much nicer and impressive they are.

Call us today with your questions about Dant Clayton’s light weight signage! There is never a wrong time to invest in your program or facility.

Topics: advertising options for high schools, stadium advertising opportunities, Kentucky athletics, Fall sports in Kentucky, football stadium seating, Dant Clayton, Kentucky sporting goods

Porter Athletic Videos on the Toadvine Youtube Channel

Posted by Matt Roberts

Nov 1, 2011 4:42:00 PM

Porter Athletic EquipmentWe work with some great manufactures in the sporting equipment industry. Porter Athletics, for one, provides indoor equipment for basketball and volleyball, as well as outdoor athletic equipment for soccer, field hockey, football, and more.

Our YouTube channel now includes some educational videos from Porter Athletics that are worth checking out. One video illustrates how their fire retardant wall pads are a safe alternative in any gym, especially where children are concerned. Another video highlights Porter's volleyball systems. The third video focuses on Porter's Center Roll Curtain System. Lastly, there is a lengthy video explaining Porter's Fair-Court Basketball Equipment Testing System. 


If you're in the market for any of the above, we'd love to answer your questions. We have a 24 response guarantee. Someone from our team will be back in touch to answer your specific questions. Simply call us at 502-241-6010 or fill out our easy to use online form

Topics: Porter Athletics Volleyball, Porter Athletics gym equipment, Louisville sporting goods, Toadvine Enterprises 24 hour response, Porter Athletics Basketball, Porter Athletics, Tennessee sporting goods, Kentucky sporting goods

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