Back to School Checklist

Posted by Jordan Farley

Jul 29, 2016 12:00:00 PM


We know you all are just as busy as we are in the summer months. You have your "to do list" to get done before school starts back. Most of our clients want us to get their projects done while kids are out of school and there are no interruptions. Well, summer is coming to end quickly and we wanted to make sure you have everything covered, and if you don't now is the time to get us on your schedule.

Our checklist is short, sweet and to the point; Have you scheduled your annual indoor/outdoor bleacher maintenance? Have you scheduled your annual basketball goal or divider curtain maintenance? Have you ordered any needed athletic equipment for fall sports? If you answered no to the first question you better call us today or you could be answering to your insurance agent on why you haven't had it done this year. Come to think of it, if you have anwered no to any of these questions you had better call us soon because your time is running out! Our fall schedule is starting to fill up and we want to make sure you we get you on our schedule.

We are here to serve you so call us today and let us know how we can help get you prepared for another great year. Whether you are needing service or equipment be sure to call us at 502-241-6010 and talk to one of our incredible sales reps.


The Toadvine Team

Topics: Athletic Equipment, stadium seating, Bleacher Maintenance/Inspection

Importance of Bleacher Maintenance

Posted by Jordan Farley

Apr 8, 2016 12:38:57 PM


Why is bleacher maintenance and inspection important? How would bleacher maintenance help me? These are questions you might ask yourself if you are an athletic director, director of facilities, prinicipal, superintendent or maintenance supervisor. Those questions are what I hope to answer with this blog.

I enjoy breaking things down into smaller, easier to understand sections so I have broken down my 3 main reasons to have annual bleacher maintenance and inspection completed.

1. To satisfy your mandatory annual insurance inspection

Insurance companies expect you to properly maintain the equipment in which they insure for you, or else they might drop you or just raise you premiums. That is where your annual maintenance and inspection by a professional comes in to play. We as the professionals will provide you with the peace of mind knowing that you are in good shape when your insurance agent decides to stop by to do an inspection. We also provide you with a detailed preventative care sheet that will be given to you at the conclusion of each maintenance and inspection. This sheet will tell you the good, the bad and the ugly regarding your bleacher seating. It will let you know how your equipment is holding up and whether or not you are in need of additional work. This is especially nice because it keeps you informed of issues before they become an unwanted surprise.

2. Make sure you are meeting your state's adopted code

The word "code" gets thrown a lot and makes people wonder what code applies to me and how do I know if I am meeting the standards. The truth is there are several codes out there and there is no rhyme or reason to what code your specific state adopts. There are also different codes adopted by local governments as opposed to the state government and some codes have different limitation than others, it can get very confusing very quickly. The best thing for anyone to do is to find out what code has been adopted statewide and make sure you are compliant with it as it acts as a blanket code. For example the state of Tennessee goes by the International Building Code 2009 (IBC09) for their statewide code and Kentucky goes by Internatioanl Building Code 2012 (IBC12), further proving there is no pattern or reason for what version each state chooses. I say all of this to let you know there is a lot of confussion and having a professional inspect and maintain your bleachers is very important.

3. The safety of your students, families, friends and spectators

I shouldn't have to explain too much for reason number 3. It is the last reason I give for keeping up with the maintenance and inspection of your bleachers, but it is by far the most important. As an athletic director, superintendent, principal, director of faclilities or maintenance supervisor the safety of your spectators while attending events should be at the top of your list of priorities. That is why keeping up with the maintenance and inspection of your school's bleacher seating should not be an afterthought.

If you haven't talked to one of our employees about maintenance and inspection of your bleacher seating please contact us today at 502-241-6010. You can visit us online at or email us at 

Below is our maintenance flyer that will tell you a little more about the products that we maintain for our customers.


Topics: Bleacher Maintenance/Inspection, IRC Code, IBC Code

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