Are Your Bleachers Safe? A Quick Checklist

Posted by Matt Roberts

Jun 19, 2013 2:25:00 PM

bleacher and seating inspection and maintenanceBleacher and stadium seating liability continues to be an issue due to the rise in lawsuits from bleacher accidents brought against schools. Keeping spectators safe by having regular bleacher maintenance and inspection performed is a first step in preventing accidents and liability issues. 

The checklist below lists action items you can do to ensure your seating is safe in between scheduled maintenance. Please contact Toadvine Enterprises if you need your bleachers or stadium seating inspected and maintained

  • Make sure stairs, ramps, and aisles are dry, clean, and free of debris.
  • All stairs should be equipped with handrails and tread to prevent falls.
  • Loose flooring should be fixed to prevent tripping hazards.
  • Seats should be free from splintering wood and loose screws and hardware.
  • Safety rails should be installed on the back of bleachers to prevent falls.

Toadvine Enterprises is here to help your school provide a safe environment for fans and players. Contact us today if you need a seating quote of if you have questions about the safety of your school's bleachers. 

Topics: Kentucky athletics, Bleacher maintenance, sports facility maintenance, Seating inspections

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