Scoreboards 101: Which one is Right for Your School?

Posted by Matt Roberts

Oct 19, 2012 2:31:00 PM

kentucky scoreboardsHas that score flip chart seen its better days on the court? Does the crowd have to twist their neck backwards or squint under a net to see the score on each possession? If so, it’s probably time to check into a new scoreboard. If your school has been contemplating a purchase of a new scoreboard, there are varieties you should examine before making a choice.

Tabletop scoreboards 

This style of scoreboard is perfect for elementary school games in which minimal information is needed for display. This type of scoreboard can be displayed for scoring and timing of an athletic event, then put away and stored. It can be transported from game to game or stored away safely after each game. This is the most economical option for schools with basic sporting events for smaller children.

Wall-mounted scoreboards

This type of scoreboard will become a permanent focal point in your gym and will completely revolutionize crowd involvement as they fully engage in seeing the score change and knowing game statistics. The start up cost of wiring this scoreboard is a bit more, but will pull a crowd together at sporting events. 

Multi-sport scoreboards

These types of boards are helpful in upper grades or high school when playing various sports such as soccer, basketball, hockey, and volleyball. The time, score, game period, player, and team fouls can all be displayed in one place. Great advancements have been made in these scoreboards, which generally use LED (light emitting diode) technology and sometimes even wireless capabilities. More recently, scoreboards have been designed to be more user-friendly so that students can operate them with ease. If your school is hoping to create an all around virtual experience, scoreboards can also be used with computer software to create a “big league” effect through video display and a movie type atmosphere.

Another important factor to consider when looking for a new scoreboard is choosing the right size scoreboard based on your gym or field's size. Not only can Toadvine Enterprises help you find the perfect scoreboard your facility based on your school's budget, we can also help you choose the correct size. Contact us to learn more.

Topics: Toadvine Enterprises, Athletic Equipment, high school scoreboards, Kentucky stadiums

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