Product Highlights: Porter Winches and Gill Athletics Heat Index

Posted by Matt Roberts

Sep 17, 2012 12:05:00 PM

Porter has announced its new line of winches that can accommodate your curtain and gymnasium dividers. Tired of the struggle of closing and opening curtains in your facility? These improved winches are the perfect solution. They are easy to use and designed to work with all of Porter's existing control systems. 

The 00709000 is a listed winch that comes with a full 5 year warranty. This winch will be able to span the current range of Porter backstops up to 40' attachment height. This winch has the ability to be raised or lowered manually with a battery-operated drill or socket for install or emergency situations. Porter's goal is to be able to continue to increase its winch line so it can grow the custom engineered product offerings and capabilities. Keep your eyes out for winches that will allow them to design bigger, more unique systems.

Kentucky athletic equipmentGill Athletics has an entire web page of new products, and one specific product we wanted to highlight is the Ultrak 830 Heat Index. Coaches who are tracking the actual heat index on the field can measure, in real time, if the conditions are safe for the players. This is a great tool and should be a part of every coach's on-field toolbox. With record-setting temperatures this summer, coaches are taking their role seriously to keep players safe. This new tool from Gill Athletics should be a must for every athletic director. 

Additional features of the Ultrak 830 Heat Index:

• Accurately calculates temperature, humidity, heat index, and dew point

• 30 dual split recallable memory

• Measures to 10 hours with 1/100 second resolution

• Presettable countdown timer with auto repeat function

• Time, calendar, and alarm

• LED backlight

• Solar powered with back-up lithium battery

• Water resistant 

• Five-year warranty 

Let us at Toadvine Enterprises know if you'd like more information on either of these new products. 

Topics: Toadvine Enterprises, Kentucky athletic equipment, Kentucky athletics, Porter Athletics, Gill Athletics, football equipment

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