Matt Roberts

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Ace Your Volleyball Season With Proper Equipment

Posted by Matt Roberts

Sep 12, 2014 10:17:00 AM

bleacher seating in louisville, kyA simple game of volleyball really involves only four pieces of equipment; a net, two poles and a ball.

If you hope to start up a basic game of volleyball, you don't have much to add to your equipment list. But if you're playing volleyball on a more competitive level, there is additional gear and safety equipment that can help make your match more enjoyable and safe. Here are some basic equipment recommendations based on what type of league you hope to establish.

Volleyball Equipment for Recreation or League Play

If your league is just for fun, your equipment needs will be much less extensive. If your players intend to compete at a more professional level, there is more specific equipment needed in order to make the wins and losses valid. Here are some basic equipment recommendations if you are planning to organize a recreational league.

  • Knee Pads
  • Net
  • Volleyball
  • Poles and anchoring system
  • Ankle Braces
  • Water Bottles
  • Volleyball Traveling Duffle Bag
  • Athletic Tape
  • Pre-Wrap
  • Rule Book
  • Whistle
  • Scoreboard
  • Coaches Clipboard
  • Linesman Flags
  • Floor Tape
  • Volleyball Air Pump
  • Boundary Markers


The basic equipment for these types of leagues doesn't vary much, but there are some specifics about each type of game that do vary. If you plan to play or organize an outdoor league, what type of court will you play on? Keep in mind the anchoring system necessary to hold the netting in place at your various outdoor locations. You may need to add additional roping and ground spikes to keep the net securely in place, in addition to the basic volleyball equipment needs necessary (listed above) for a successful indoor/outdoor league.

No matter which type of volleyball team you need to organize, Toadvine can outfit players and stock your court from start to finish. We provide all of your sporting equipment needs. Click here to contact one of our sales representatives who will take inventory of your volleyball equipment and help you order anything that is necessary to spike your sports team performance.


Image courtesy of tigger11th at

Topics: volleyball equipment, recreational volleyball, ordering volleyball equipment

Start This Football Season With Bleacher Inspection

Posted by Matt Roberts

Sep 5, 2014 10:29:00 AM

bleacher seating in louisville, ky

Robinson High School in Tampa, Florida will not play its first football home game at home later this month. Due to some corroding screws and other issues recently uncovered with the football bleachers on their home field, Robinson's first home game has been moved, with plans to return to their home field still uncertain.

After an inspector at the school recently found corroding screws and some other issues of concern, it was determined that games would not be played at home until they were inspected and deemed safe for spectators.

"At this point, we have shut it down. We are not going to allow anybody into the bleachers until we know that they are solid and safe," said Stephen Hegarty with Hillsborough County Public Schools.

This major safety concern has parents worried and wondering how bleachers could get in this condition. The bi-annual inspections have apparently not been frequent or thorough enough to keep school bleachers safe. Luckily for this school, the issues were uncovered before any accidents occurred. Other schools and facilities have not been so fortunate.

In 1999, one study showed that an estimated 22,000 bleacher-associated injuries were treated in the ER. Approximately 6,000 of these injuries were a result of the person falling from or through the bleachers and onto the surface below. Of those falls, about 5,000 involved children under the age of 15.

Bleacher hazards can occur due to older design problems, incorrect manufacturing or installation, or lack of routine maintenance. Routine maintenance is important to help pinpoint any structural damage or hazards that may compromise the integrity of the bleachers and threaten public safety. All hazards and deficiencies need to be corrected immediately and in some cases, bleachers may need to be rendered inoperable or taken out of use until they are repaired and deemed safe.

Toadvine Enterprises has a maintenance and safety inspection program that provides service to all indoor and outdoor seating and equipment. Vine and Branch is our fully staffed maintenance program which provides a certified service technician who performs annually-required maintenance inspections on all equipment and seating to ensure the safety of your facility. Technicians provide service in these areas:

  • Visual inspections of your facility and/or designated equipment
  • A full listing of defective equipment or upgrade requirements
  • A written report of the inspection noting any safety or standard violations and recommendations for corrective action

Contact Ben Toadvine: or Matt Roberts: to schedule your next bleacher inspection so that your football fans can cheer on their home team with the confidence that their bleachers are safe and secure.

Topics: bleacher inspections, Bleacher maintenance, football bleachers

Athletic Director's Survival Guide

Posted by Matt Roberts

Aug 28, 2014 7:48:00 PM

bleacher seating in louisville, kyAs the new academic year swings into action, many student athletes will begin swinging bats and field hockey sticks, shooting basketballs and spiking the volleyball net. It is important as to be compliant as a school and an organization with state standards and regulations to ensure the safety and well-being of your students, school personnel and your loyal fans.

As an Athletic Director, you are responsible for overseeing and monitoring safety and compliance through regular inspections and proper upkeep, routine maintenance and keeping an awareness of changing regulations. By downloading our content offer, the Athletic Director's Survival Guide, you will receive key information to help you stay on top of legal and safety aspects of maintaining your facility, along with useful tips on extending the life of your school equipment, so that you can enjoy a maximum return on your investment.

At Toadvine Enterprises, we not only provide you with quality athletic seating and equipment options, we also care about safety. For more information on maintaining safety in your school equipment, check out our Vine and Branch program.

Topics: bleacher inspections, Bleacher maintenance, Athletic Directors

Enhancing the Educational Experience With Proper PE Equipment

Posted by Matt Roberts

Aug 22, 2014 12:57:00 PM

school sports equipment in louisville, ky

If Physical Education at your school consists of a whistle and 40 minutes of free time, you could be depriving young children of reaching critical developmental milestones and the opportunity to excel academically.

Researchers with Project SPARK (Sports, Play and Active Recreation for Kids) experimented with equipment items of varying sizes, shapes, weights and textures to determine if they could foster greater inclusion, activity, and enjoyment during school PE classes in the students. Equipment in each school's physical education program was found to be a critical component of a quality physical education, not only because recreational supplies needed to be provided in sufficient quantities for students to participate, but also because the PE equipment was helpful in differentiating instruction, increasing the levels of student participation and their enjoyment of PE. Adequate and diverse recreational supplies and equipment for PE classes were also proven to build self-confidence.

The study also revealed the benefits of having age-appropriate equipment and its effect on several other non-health related outcomes such as:

  • teamwork - culture building and collaboration
  • retention - when students enjoy PE more they participate at higher levels and want to be in school
  • academic achievement - SPARK research also shows that students spending more time in SPARK PE and less time in the classroom will do as well or better with standardized test scores.

Is your school prepared with a variety of age-appropriate, visually appealing PE equipment that will keep your school-age kids stimulated and engaged? If you need some ideas to get started, click here. If it's time to bump up or begin your school's PE supply closet, we will be happy to help your school develop a supply of equipment for any size budget.

Topics: Athletic Equipment, Fall sports in Kentucky, equipment ordering

Prevent Field Hockey Injuries With Proper Gear

Posted by Matt Roberts

Jul 30, 2014 2:48:00 PM

bleacher seating in louisville, kyOne of the oldest sports in existence, interest in field hockey has grown dramatically in North America. From young girls to collegiate women, this sport has become increasingly faster-paced and more physical over the years. As competition heats up and competitive natures kick in, the severity of on-the-field injuries has also increased.

Recently ranked as one of the top five dangerous sports for girls, children and teens nationwide are finding themselves in emergency rooms due to sports-related injuries and accidents encountered while playing field hockey. The most common diagnosis from ER trips is Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), which is caused by bumps, blows, or jolts to the head and can disrupt normal functioning of the brain.

While team sports can provide a multitude of emotional, social, and physical benefits for kids and young adults, it is crucial to provide these athletes with the proper protective gear to avoid brain trauma and other serious injury. If your child plans to participate in field hockey this season, do you know what gear is needed to adequately protect her from unnecessary injury? Here are some basic safety precautions and equipment you need to start off your season with the goal of protecting your child from injury.

Gear Needed to Protect Your Child From Field Hockey Injury

  • Shin Guards
  • Goggles
  • Gloves
  • Mouthguards

Goalie Equipment Needed to Protect From Field Hockey Injury

In addition to the list of protective gear above, goalies will need to suit up with some additional equipment, as they remain in the line of fire with multiple players and the ball the majority of the time. Here are some extra things you don't want to skip out on purchasing if your child is a goalie.

  • Helmet with a cage to protect the face
  • Extra padding
  • Leg pads (not larger than 12 inches wide)
  • Hand and arm pads (not larger than 14 inches long or 9 inches wide)

Studies have shown that female field hockey players have a 62% risk of sustaining three or more injuries. Those injuries range from chronic lower-back pain to stress fractures and head and face injuries (90%). These injuries happen more than 60% of the time in practice, yet only one out of three parents reports taking the same safety precautions at practice as they do on game-day. In order to more fully prepare your child for safety in sports and prevent injury, be sure your player is wearing the proper protective gear, especially during practice.

If your school is in need of a complete list of proper field hockey equipment for this upcoming season, click here and a member of our team will be glad to give you a quote and help supply all of your sporting needs.

Topics: sports equipment, field hockey injuries, field hockey equipment

Creative Summer Sports for Kids

Posted by Matt Roberts

Jul 22, 2014 2:24:00 PM

bleacher seating in louisville, ky

With kids out of school and vacations on the horizon, summertime brings a host of activity and a lot of hours to fill. For any parent with children at home this summer, you can be sure there is time for a lot of fun with friends, time spent at the pool, and outdoor sports taking place that fuel the ever exploding energy tank kids seem to have. But in an instant, when that activity starts to fade, the very predictable "I'm bored" phrase comes roaring out.

But there is a solution. A group of amateur sports enthusiasts have found a way to revive many old traditions and transform them into something recognizable, but completely different. You have probably never heard of most of these new "sports," but they are catching on as subcultures around the globe are organizing and promoting their uniqueness.


If you want to play Kronum, all you need is a circular field, roughly 70 yards across, a lot of stamina, and the ability to constantly swivel your head. Players come at you from every angle, and where you are on the field determines the amount of points you score by throwing the ball into either the mouth of the goal or one of the five crown "rings" lining the top of each one. This fast paced and challenging summer sport morphs a little rugby with the ranks of competitive soccer.


This co-ed sport is played with a mixture of unique element from rugby, dodgeball, and tag. Seven people make up a quidditch team who play with brooms between their legs at all times. Three chasers score goals worth 10 points each with a volleyball called the quaffle. The ball advances down the field by running it, passing it or kicking it. Each team has a keeper who defends their goal and two beaters who use dodgeballs to disrupt the flow of the game by knocking out the other players. Any player hit by the bludger (dodgeball) is out of play until they touch their own goal. Each team also has a snitch runner, a neutral athlete who uses any means to avoid capture. The snitch is worth 30 points and its capture ends the game.

Road Tennis

It's not totally official, but Barbados has been claiming this sport as its official inner-city neighborhood sport for years. Road tennis requires a long stretch of pavement, a table tennis net, paddles and a handball. Dating back 80 years, this sport has a rich history, now alluring veterans and new comers alike. With an outdoorsy pingpong feel, this sport will fill a void in your outdoor sporting regimen.

Circle-Rules Football

If you never really wanted to use your yoga ball when attempting yoga, this sports gives you a chance to break it out of the closet and actually have some fun with it. In Circle-Rules Football two teams head toward the same goal trying to score with a humongous sphere that's been known to bounce uncontrollably and without reason.

Blind Soccer

Yeah. That's right. Players in this game are actually playing by the official soccer rules, but with a face shield that covers their eyes. Players navigate a small field based on shouted instructions from the bench. A ball bearing inside the soccer ball also helps in echolocation. A skilled blind soccer player dribbles the the ball without it ever coming off of his foot. It may sound crazy dangerous, but if you think you need to be able to see to play soccer, watch these players in action. You have to "see it to believe it."

You don't have an "official" team to strike up most of these games, just a knowledge of the rules and a strong desire to be creative and spontaneous. So if your kids are moping around looking for something to do, check out the details on these creative twists on traditional sports and knock out summertime boredom.

Topics: summer sports, fun summer alternative games, cool games for kids

Score Big This Football Season With Gear From Toadvine

Posted by Matt Roberts

Jul 18, 2014 3:14:00 PM

football equipment accessories and seating in louisville kyIt's that time of year when muscle collides with muscle and padding takes a beating on the field, as hundreds of athletes battle it out for the coveted pigskin. This summer marks the start of football season with hundreds of recreation leagues, high schools and colleges suiting up in order to reach peak condition and snag a winning season.

As your school or organization prepares for the official kick-off of the football calendar year, look to Toadvine Enterprises for all of your football needs. Whether your field is in need of new goal posts, additional training equipment or just needs to start fresh with some new athletic accessories for your team, we've got you covered.

Toadvine can provide anything your team might need to kick-off a successful season on the gridiron. Contact Toadvine if you need a quote on athletic equipment, uprights or stadium bleachers. Toadvine is your resource for a winning football season.

Topics: Football season

Ashland Paul G. Blazer Stadium Restoration

Posted by Matt Roberts

Jul 3, 2014 11:14:00 AM

bleacher seating in louisville, ky

Putnam Stadium is getting a major facelift. This historic landmark is home to the Ashland Paul G. Blazer Tomcats and is currently in the process of renovations to revitalize and rejuvenate their trusted football facility back into working order with several new additions that are sure to bring fans to their feet when the project is complete.

The Putnam Stadium Restoration Foundation attempted to raise $5.1 million to complete a two-phase project to include new stadium seating and locker room facilities, a press box, infrastructure work, lighting, new artificial turf and practice field, a banked end zone, parking lots, a donors corner, championship flag poles and a unique Tomcat statue.

Toadvine Enterprises is pleased to assist Paul G. Blazer high school in completing these renovations. Toadvine will be adding a home and visitor side stadium with mitered corners that flow into an existing concrete end zone. The original stadium was pre-cast concrete and was demolished in February. Toadvine is providing a welded, aluminum grandstand with a poured concrete rear walk surface. The home side of the stadium will be enhanced with powder coated riser boards in school colors and VIP chairs and backrests for the home side.

The new stadium look should be complete in early July, in plenty of time for the season opener on Friday, August 22 with Newport Catholic. If your stadium is in need of an overhaul, or just needs some a few updates to keep fans safe and enthusiastic, contact Toadvine and we can provide you with a quick quote for any bleacher seating renovations or sporting equipment your school or organization might need.

Topics: Putnam Stadium restoration, Ashland Paul G. Blazer Tomcats, baseball stadium renovations

The Importance of Bleacher Inspection

Posted by Matt Roberts

Jun 20, 2014 4:56:00 PM

bleacher seating in louisville, ky

A search on the internet for bleacher safety will bring up multiple attorney listings and assistance for bleacher related injuries. Families today are exposed to unsafe spectator seating in a variety of settings and injuries relating to these accidents continue to call attention to the need for accelerated safety measures.

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) examined bleacher injury associated data from 1991-1999 and revealed that there were an average of 19,100 bleacher-related injuries that were treated in the emergency room. In the year 1999 alone, 22,100 injuries were treated in the ER. Of those injuries 6,100 of them resulted from a fall from or through the bleachers onto the surface below. Because of the severity of these incidents, it is essential for organizations and schools to develop a plan to inspect, repair and maintain their seating systems to prevent incidents like these.

At Toadvine Enterprises, safety is a priority and because we believe in keeping your establishments safe, we have developed a maintenance and safety inspection program for all of your indoor and outdoor seating and equipment. Our Vine & Branch program offers manufacturer certified service technicians to ensure the safety of your seating. Here are some of the services our team will provide in order to keep your facility safely maintained:

  • A thorough visual inspection of your facility and/or designated equipment.

  • A full listing of defective equipment or upgrade requirements.

  • A written report will be provided to you upon completion of the inspection, noting any safety and/or standard violations, and recommendations for corrective action.

We perform annually-required maintenance inspections on all equipment and seating and yearly contracts that work around your needs. Please contact Ben Toadvine: or Matt Roberts: or use our online form to request a regular maintenance check regarding the safety of your facility seating. Toadvine is happy to assist you in maintaining the safety of your facility and your family.

Topics: bleacher inspections, Bleacher maintenance, Toadvine bleacher seating in Louisville

Score Big With Soccer Bleacher Seating From Toadvine

Posted by Matt Roberts

Jun 6, 2014 11:20:00 PM

bleacher seating in louisville, ky

Even though books are packed away and studying has been put on hold for a few weeks, student athletes are scoring big on the soccer practice field this summer and gearing up for a busy sports season.

As your team swings into action this summer, it's time to consider how you will accommodate your team's fans when the competition heats up. Toadvine Enterprises has everything you need to equip, outfit and prepare your soccer team for competition, and when it comes to outdoor seating for your team's fans, we have that covered, too.

We have completed many high-profile outdoor seating projects and have been providing bleacher seating to fans in Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana and Tennessee for more than 30 years. We take pride in offering top-of-the-line soccer bleachers along with exceptional customer service.

If you would like to add outdoor seating to your facility, consider our Alum-a-Stand Elevated and Non-elevated bleachers. Elevated aluminum bleachers are the perfect addition to any sports field for home and visitor seating. Non-elevated bleachers are great for any event that requires just a few rows of outdoor seating. We can also set you up with Press Boxes, custom seating finishes, multiple railing options and more. We customize your facility to fit your vision and your budget.

Fill out the form here and one of our seating professionals will contact you to discuss your individual needs. Our "goal" at Toadvine Enterprises is to help you customize your soccer seating from start to finish so that you score big with all the fans.


Image courtesy of hin255 /

Topics: bleacher design, outdoor seating, soccer bleachers

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