Merry Christmas from Toadvine

Posted by Matt Roberts

Dec 18, 2013 12:29:00 PM

Toadvine Enterprises

It's that time of year again and we'd like to take this opportunity to pause for a moment and let our employees and clients know how much we appreciate them.

The employees at Toadvine Enterprises are incredible. They are the life of our business and we appreciate them greatly. We are also grateful for the loyalty of our clients and for the faith they have put in us to supply their athletic needs. We value your trust and look forward to continuing to build those relationships this coming year. 

Our hope is that the joys of the holiday season will surround you while you spend time with friends and family. As you look forward, may 2014 hold the promises of a happy and successful business year ahead.

From all of us at Toadvine,

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Topics: Kentucky athletics, seating concepts, Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas from Toadvine Enterprises

Posted by Matt Roberts

Dec 21, 2011 12:43:00 PM

Merry Christmas from ToadvineChristmastime is here! Every December we pause to reflect on the passing year—areas where we succeeded and areas where we can improve.

We also like to take this opportunity to let our employees and our clients know how much we appreciate them. The people we work with really are the life of the business, and we have the best. We are grateful for the loyalty of both our employees and our clients. And we look forward to continuing to build those relationships as we enter the New Year.

Hopefully the excitement of the holiday season will linger awhile as we enjoy time with family and friends over the next couple of weeks. 2012 holds the promise of a happy and successful business year ahead.

From everyone at Toadvine Enterprises: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Topics: auditorium seating, outdoor stadium seating, Louisville sporting goods, Toadvine Enterprises, Athletic Equipment, Merry Christmas

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